Oct 30, 2010

hey ! check this out. credit to mia ;)

[ NOW ]
Current mood: idk. kindda boringg.
Current music: bersujud padamu -afghan-
Current taste: sweet , juz eat some sweets :)
Current hair: normal ? haha.
Current clothes: a hard-rock t-shirt n mgs-tracksuit.
Current annoyance: oh. secret laa.
Current smell: erm. okay, i think. huhu.
Current thing I should be doing: answering this silly questions.
Current windows open: websites .
Current desktop picture: my cute pix . <3
Current favorite band: SNSD.
Current book: bumi cinta. yeah.
Current cd in stereo: none
Current crush: -
Current favorite celeb: maher zain . hes cute.

[ DO YOU.. ]
Smoke?: nope n never.
Do drugs?: nope n never.
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: sometimes .
Remember your first love?: erm. my standard 6 puppy love? yeah.
Still love him/her?: urgh. he is dead in my life !
Read the newspaper?: today? blom lgi.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: its malaysia. people dont simply tell whether they're gay or les. so idk.
Believe in miracles?: depends.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: for dis time being, no.
Like the taste of alcohol?: never taste so idk.
Have a favorite candy?: im a chocoholic. :)
Believe in astrology?: its a part of science ryte?
Believe in magic?: haha. i...kindda do.
Believe in god?: OF COZ !
Have any pets: er , my cat, fish , rabbits . birds ?
Go to or plan to go to college: mestila.
Have any piercings?: wish to .
Have any tattoos?: nope !
Hate yourself: sometimes. bila wat kerja bodo yang memalukan diri sendiri !
Have an obsession?: hair clip , novels , stationary , hp , DSLR .
Have a secret crush?: yeah. yeah. you got me huh?
Have a best friend?: correction. best friendS
Wish on stars?: erm. nope.

Ever been in love?: yup.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: thinker so ,
Describe your ideal significant other: erm. sorry. wth is dis?

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: haha. yeah. n its paris hilton.
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": yeah. they caught me crying. :(
Are you a tease?: always.
Shy to make the first move?: ta la. i have no shame. just tell her/ him laa kwn.

Hair: not long , not short , er ?
Eyes: sepet !
Height: 165 i think.

Bought: top-up
Ate & Drank: rendang n skyjuice ;p
Read: bumi cinta .
Watched on TV: tom and jerry kids.

beer or cider: i hate both.
drinks or shots: stupid laa.
cats or dogs: cats.
single or taken: single. NCU18 !
pen or pencil: both .
food or candy: both. bole?
cassette or cd: cd laa. dunia da maju la weyh !
coke or pepsi: or ?

kill: nyamuk yang mengganggu ketenteraman !
get really wasted with: idk
look like: many many.
avoid: my best friends. wth ryte?

saw: my silly brothers la.
talked to on the phone: my gedik sister .
hugged: sonia ! sebaik sahaja tamat exam !
instant messaged: ooh. ummu.
kissed: my mom . !

Drank alcohol?: bape kali na tnye nih.TAK PERNAH !
Done drugs?: nope.
Broken the law?: always. haha.
Run away from home?: maen sembunyi2 penah la. XD
Broken a bone?: nope .
Played Truth Or Dare?: always ..
Kissed someone you didn't know?: sucks. nope.
Been in a fight?: ALWAYS  !
Come close to dying?: nope.

[ WHAT IS.. ]
Your bedroom like?: i share it with my sis n mama(aunt). haha.
Your favorite thing for breakfast?: nugget , milo ~
Your favorite restaurant?: pasta mania !
What's on your bedside table?: my family photo and gift from cloud !
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: just drink some water cukup laa.
What is your biggest fear?: in the name of Allah.
Do you know how to play poker?: ade muke org pndai maen poker ke.?
How do you drive?: urh ! im only 14.
What do you miss most about being little?: ta yah fkr psl skul , exam , results , juz lay n play ... but come on ! we will grew up !
Are you happy with your given name?: erm. yes !
What color is your bedroom?: light blue is peaceful.
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?: no ..
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? Would you repost this survey? =): ahh. i rather admit dat im not a nice one.

answered by,
princess thira ^_^

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